Animal Messages and Omens
Every animal has certain potentials, abilities, and characteristics.
Study the basic potentials and skills of the animal.
It has shown up in your life to say, "you have these same potentials and abilities, and these are what will work best for you at this time in your life."
Ted Andrews, Animal Wise
In recognizing the prophecy and symbolism of animals and their roles in your life as messengers, you can appreciate all of God's creatures on a newer, deeper level, acknowledging their positive attributes, and what we as humans can learn from them.
Adrienne can help you better understand yourself and your life's circumstances through the animals that appear to you in nature, meditation, dreams or spirit communication.
Owl symbolizes the messenger between the earth and spirit planes. Its acute vision and hearing represent clairvoyance and clairaudience.
Owl showed up as Adrienne's second power animal when her deceased father sent her a vision of a beautiful great horned owl as she began her journey into the spirit world, and a family member who received spirit communication from her had a dream that Adrienne was a snowy owl. She chose it as her logo and began studying its medicine. Visiting owls at rehabilitation centers, nature shows and owl prowls allowed her to commune up close and personally with this amazing creature that she could now identify with and learn from.
Power Animals and Totems
Giraffe - Information to follow.
Info. to follow.
Info. to follow.